Protect Data Privacy and Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Everyone, including your Internet service provider (ISP), is interested in your data. You have found out how Internet data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs). Nevertheless, is it possible to defend your privacy from an ISP?

Everything goes through Your ISP

Your Internet Service Provider is the intermediary in everything you do online. Every internet-connected device is included. It could contain:

  • Computer Devices (desktop, laptop, MacBooks, iPad)
  • Smartphones
  • Smart TVs
  • Alexa, Google, or Siri enabled Voice Recognition devices.
  • Media Servers or any other types of servers (if any)
  • Temperature Control Systems
  • Smart Fridge, Smart Washing Machines, Smart Dish Washer
  • Any Smart Home Devices including Lights and Fans.
  • Security Cameras or entire Security System

Well, the list might go on forever. Everything today communicates with the internet and is linked to your home network.

Your ISP Knows Everything

Everything you do online is monitored by your ISP. Let me make one more attempt at listing it. Internet service provider for you is aware of:

  • Every website you visit
  • What you are doing on these websites
  • When you are watching a movie on Netflix
  • What you are specifically looking at on your PCs or mobile devices.
  • When you are playing games on your computer.
  • What kind and how many gadgets do you have?
  • What you are searching
  • Well, if you’re on a non-secure website (HTTPS), your passwords as well.
  • etc.

Your ISP knows everything.

  • The intermediary between your device and the internet is your ISP.
  • They act as the internet’s gatekeepers. Therefore, it is their duty to abide by all laws and regulations. It is the duty of ISPs to maintain any bans placed on websites by your government so that you are unable to access them.
  • They are the threshold you must pass through to access the internet.

Steps to take to Protect Your Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs):

1. Use HTTPS Everywhere – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

Use HTTPS Everywhere - Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)
Use HTTPS Everywhere – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

Start using end-to-end encryption to keep some (but not all) of your online actions hidden from your ISP. The only effective remedy for all privacy concerns is encryption. The browser add-on for all browsers is called HTTPS Everywhere. It works silently in the background as a “Install & Forget” browser plugin. Your connection will be upgraded by this extension to HTTPS for secure communication.

2. Use Privacy-focused Browser: Brave – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

The most private and safe browser in 2022 is Brave. Check out the screenshots provided below for yourself. Discover how the Brave browser compares to other browsers.

  • Brave offers built-in tools for blocking advertisements and web tracking.
  • It upgrades your connections to safe communication via HTTPS and has HTTPS Everywhere built in. The Brave browser doesn’t require you to actively install HTTPS Everywhere.
  • It enables you to modify your preferred DNS settings.
  • Your ISP will be aware of the websites you visit if you are using Brave and have the HTTPS connection setting enabled, but it won’t be aware of your activity while you are browsing these sites. Your passwords won’t be viewable by your ISP.
  • By switching to Brave from Chrome (or any other browser), you will receive the least amount of protection possible.

3. Use Secure & Privacy-focused DNS – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

Utilizing a secure Domain Name System (DNS) is another option.

Use Secure & Privacy-focused DNS - Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)
Use Secure & Privacy-focused DNS – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

What is DNS

For all websites, DNS functions as a sort of telephone directory. The internet is nothing more than a screen in your browser. It retrieves the data and presents it on your screen. Any website address you type into the address bar must first determine where it is stored. This data must be obtained from the DNS server by your browser.

Your browser contacts your ISP, which then consults DNS and sends the information’s address to your browser. The content is then downloaded by your browser and shown on your screen after it navigates to that address. You may make your browser travel directly to your ISP-free network by using the privacy-focused DNS settings in your browser. You are instructing your browser to obtain the data from a different source.

4. Browser Extensions – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

You can use a variety of browser extensions in addition to the other alternatives mentioned above to safeguard your privacy. To safeguard their online privacy, everyone must use the list of browser extensions I have supplied.

5. VPN – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

Utilizing a virtual private network is the greatest and final advice. Your best option for keeping your actions hidden from the Internet Service Provider is to do this. However, you must pay for this protection out of your own pocket. It will be rewarding.

VPN - Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)
VPN – Data privacy and internet service providers (ISPs)

In addition, if you decide to use a VPN service provider, you can refer to the suggestions below. Finding the ideal one for your needs after doing some research could take some time. Prior to using a VPN, you should be aware of the international agreements between 14 countries for the sharing of intelligence.

These countries are:

  1. The United States
  2. Canada
  3. The United Kingdom
  4. Australia
  5. New Zealand
  6. Denmark
  7. France
  8. Holland
  9. Norway
  10. Germany
  11. Belgium
  12. Italy
  13. Sweden and
  14. Spain.

Unless you are an activist, whistleblower, or engaged in any criminal activity in your country, a typical person like you and me should not worry about the 14 eyed countries. Like regular people, merely seek to shield our identities from Big Tech’s prying eyes. Any VPN service provider from any nation is acceptable to us.

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